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Weir Student Media

From Freshman to Senior Year

From Freshman to Senior Year

Emma Maloney, Staff April 11, 2024

As graduation gets closer, seniors are reflecting on their high school experience, especially the impact of COVID-19.  Freshman year for the seniors was difficult because we were coming into our high...

The Dangers of Individuality

The Dangers of Individuality

Ky Bartoli, Staff April 11, 2024

Being yourself could be a dangerous choice in this world, even in school. Every day, people hear about horror stories of student experiences with bullying. Unfortunately, this is especially common with...

Gap years: Yes or No?

Gap years: Yes or No?

Jennifer Fidler, Wake Up Weir/Announcements Manager March 25, 2024

A gap year is defined as a period of time in which students take a break from their studies, usually after completing high school. For some, a gap year is an opportunity to explore potential career paths,...

Texas OnCourse, a source for college and career planning, offers tips for the scholarship application process.

Scholarship Advice

Mea Kaufman, Yearbook Editor March 21, 2024

As the end of senior year is approaching, students are in the final dash to complete applications for scholarships to earn money for college and help pay for their tuition. The average cost of tuition...

Tip left on a table after eating at a restaurant.

Tipping Out of Control

Kaydence Cain, Staff March 6, 2024

Have you ever felt pressured to leave a tip? Leaving a tip is a nice gesture, but it is simply getting out of control. Even if someone leaves a tip people still complain about it. Tipping, also known...

Photo by: Joseph O. Holmes license by: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED

How do you feel about Homework?

Joey Bennett, Staff March 1, 2024

Homework for a lot of people feels like way too much. Some people believe students should have homework such as a professor named Harris Cooper from the University of Connecticut, he says that students...

Rabbits are just one of the many animals used for testing products. Photo by Heikki Siltala is licensed under CC BY 3.0 DEED.

End Animal Testing

Lily Rocknich, Staff January 29, 2024

Many people think animal testing is just putting makeup on animals. Unfortunately, it’s nothing like that and it’s torture for our animals on earth. Imagine you or your pet being held captive in...

Freshmen of 2023-2024 getting their things at freshmen orientation

Upperclassmen Advice to Freshmen

Katelyn Berdine, Newspaper Editor October 10, 2023

As the new freshmen come in and start their first year of high school, upperclassmen give their two cents. From general to academic advice, Junior and Seniors share their experiences and insight on challenges...

As of 2022, there are 16 states with laws that protect the First Amendment rights of student journalists. West Virginia stands to be number 17 should SB 121 be signed into law.

Student First Amendment Rights at Stake

Lizzy Rhodes, Announcements Director February 17, 2023

The First Amendment protects our democracy and fosters civic engagement free from limitation. However, one group is historically limited from fully exercising their right to free expression– student...

Freshman: Kylie Dunmeyer

From Freshman to Senior:

Johnny Kirlangitis November 10, 2022

By Johnny Kirlangitis   Going from middle school to high school can be a tremendous change for most students, and it is an even bigger transition for athletes, as high school and middle school sports...

Social Media vs Mental Health

Marissa Howard, Leader of layout and design May 25, 2022

Social media has the biggest influence on young people today. It was reported in a recent article from Social Magnets that real people are interacting with the digital world and transferring their actions...

College: Scary or Exciting?

Marissa Howard, Weir Student Media Staffer May 25, 2022

College is the start of a new life. Being somewhere new, living on your own, and surrounded by new people, it’s scary but also exciting. Senior year of high school is spent looking for a school that...

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