The Weirton Christmas Parade
Weir Lights Up the Night!
January 12, 2023
Weirton hosted its annual Christmas Parade on November 26th with this year’s theme being “light up the night.”
With every parade, Weir’s Band has always been there to participate. Starting with “It’s a Wonderful Life,” the Drama Club has periodically joined as well. Each year the two participate, they did something special for the people in attendance.
The band director, Samantha Lash, stated, “The band will be marching in the Weirton Christmas Parade this year. We are playing a medley of Christmas songs that includes Deck the Halls, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, and Go Tell it on prior to the event.
As the band readied for the parade, each band member had their own unique thoughts on the matter. Thus, when asking the field commander, Savannah Moore, she responded, “I’m excited to march in my last Christmas parade.” She added that she felt “kinda sad, but also excited” about this being her final parade.
Meanwhile, another senior in band, Skyler Kuhn, who rejoined the band for the first time since eighth grade, said he felt “More confident than the first since I’m pretty sure I can memorize the songs, and that is where most of the trouble is.” He added, “Even if this was my last parade, I’m pretty sure there is opportunity to do more.”
Behind the band was Weir’s Drama Club, which advertised Snow White, which took place on December 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. The club did this by having Leila Schwer dress up in her Snow White costume, Jason Lipovich dress up in his Prince costume, and Leanna Bissett dress in her Witch garbs. Meanwhile, the rest of the club passed out coupons which could be turned in on any of the show nights for a two dollars off.
This marked the third time the club has participated in the Weirton Christmas parade, starting with It’s a Wonderful Life, returning in 2021 with A Charlie Brown Christmas, and having marked it’s third appearance this year with Snow White.
When Drama Club Secretary, Jason Lipovich, was asked about his thoughts and feelings prior to the parade, he stated “I am very excited to walk in the Christmas parade with my fellow actors one last time.” He added, “I kind of feel sad since I’m going to be leaving the drama club behind once I go to college and how I will miss every single actor and member in our play” when asked how he felt about this possibility being his last play.
Similarly, Leila Schwer stated, “I’m very excited to be part of it! And I’m honored to be representing the drama club in it!” She then added, “I love being part of big events like this and I’d be delighted to be part of it next year as well to represent Weir High Drama Club (if we participate next year) or anything else I may be in!”
Overall, both clubs helped add more substance to the parade, truly kicking off the holiday season.