Truax’s Theatre Class to Return this January

This tradition from last year makes a reprise

Tanner Finsley, Weir Student Media Staff

Last year, Mr. Truax, along with the rest of his Theatre One class performed a one-act play for their class’s final. This year, Mr. Truax plans to present another show, along with the rest of his Theatre One/Two students.

The play in question this year will be the one act version of “The Brother’s Grimm Spectaculathon” by Don Zolidis. It was selected by the Theatre Two class during a series of cold reads that were designed to allow them to select a play that could both fit the class’s cast and entertain the student body.

When asking a Theatre Two student, Makenzie Stear, what she liked so much about the show, she stated, “The plot is done well and there are a lot of funny parts.”

Mr. Truax himself described the show as “A lighthearted take on familiar fairy tales. The show has humor that is friendly for
student audiences yet has enough wit and bite for the actors to enjoy.”

Casting has concluded on November 4th, 2022. However, this casting was only available to the students in his Theatre 1 and Theatre 2 classes. Through that time until January, both classes will combine to work on and compete the show.

Truax himself voiced his excitement for the starting of this production by stating, “I am very excited about the show. More than the script or the play I am very excited to see this group of students work together. We have seasoned drama club actors along with freshman who will be doing theatre for the first time. The personalities in this class are large and everyone attending in January will be in for a major treat.”