This money will go towards a variety of different security updates, infrastructure improvements, and theater upgrades.
Kristen Palavis, the Business Computers teacher, said, “The number one concern that this levy will address is safety in our schools. Unfortunately, we live in an era where this is a huge concern. With updated equipment we can better protect our students and staff.”
This was a bond levy of $10.65 million dollars; the money was divided between all Hancock County Schools by The Hancock County Board of Education and Superintendent, Dan Enich. This money is coming from additional property taxes, $46 dollars a year or $3.38 dollars a month. The levy was voted on, on November 5, election day.
English teacher, Matthew Mandarino said, “I am thankful to work in a school district with a high level of community support”.
The money is going to updating security measures and infrastructure improvements.
Our head principal, Ted Arneault said, “This could include metal detectors, cell phone communication upgrades, visitor identification systems, panic button systems, vestibule updates with secure entrances, security lighting and fencing, replacement of fire alarm systems where needed, and additional security cameras.”
For Weir High specifically, there will be updates/upgrades to the theater and blacktop pavement for the parking lots and roads.
Palavis says, “I would also like to see additional funds go towards upgrading our technology for the students”.