Under the direction of their adviser Corey Miller, the Weir High School Drama Club will present Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Jr. (The Musical), based on the beloved 1964 stop-motion classic. The musical will premiere on December 6th, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Milton J. Weinberg theatre. The show will have two shows following that date on Saturday, December 7th, 2024, at 7:00 pm and Sunday December 8th at 2:00 pm.
Tickets will be available for purchase at the door or through Weir High website for $10.
This show is the classic story of Rudolph the reindeer, who has a glowing red nose, as he helps guide Santa’s sleigh. This show features Levi Anderson as Rudolph, Gracie Beagle as Clarice, Makenzie Stear as Hermey, Max Bilodeau as Yukon Cornelius. Directed by Corey E. Miller, with choreography by Eve Swearingen and Makenzie Stear.
Stear said, “rehearsal is going good so far. We have had a few roadblocks but I think at the end of the day it’s going to be a really good show.”
“Someone had to do it and I figured I fit the role better and I enjoy singing.” Lead Levi Anderson when asked why he auditioned for Rudolph.
Student stage manager, Emma Underwood, and vocal directors Emily Hores and Erica Sauer help Miller. Other crew members include Jayme Utt (sound), Maria Sikora (lights), Andrew Sikora (stagehand) and Megan Brinkley (stagehand).
“I really like the character, and I thought it would be fun,” said Bilodeau as he explained why he auditioned for the role.
During the weeks leading up to the show the drama club organized a misfit toy drive. Slightly used toys were donated. The toys the were collected and will be distributed to the less fortunate children this Christmas. This toy drive will be going on until Christmas Break. Students and staff can donate old or gently used toys to the designated box outside the theater.
“I mostly help Mr. Miller run the show and rehearsals and try to keep the cast calm,” said Underwood when asked what role she plays in the show.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Jr. will feature a mix of music, dancing, and holiday cheer which will perfectly capture the magic of the beloved animated special. Amazing description
“Rudolph’s story is one of acceptance, kindness, and believing in yourself,” said Director Miller. “We are thrilled to bring this timeless tale to life and share it with the community in a way that will resonate with both children and adults alike.”
According to the press release, the musical was adapted from a story by Robert L. May and song by Johnny Marks. The show features original music and Lyrics by Jonny Marks, script adaptation by Robert Penola, arrangements by Timothy Splain, and orchestrations by William C. White. It was developed by CHARACTER ARTS CREATIONS, LLC. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is being presented through a special arrangement with Musical Theater International, New York, NY. (212) 541-4684 mtishows.com
“This festive and heartwarming musical will light up the stage for three performances at the Weir High School Auditorium,” said the press release.