Students often feel that the staff at school don’t understand or relate to them, but most may be shocked to find out that the majority of teachers had similar experiences and really did have the same struggles when they were in high school.
According to a survey, some current student struggles in High school can be not being able to focus, low energy, not understanding the work, and lack of motivation. Current students said that they cope with these struggles by listening to music, hanging out with friends, or sleeping.
In this survey, 50% of students report that the high school experience has gotten better, while the other 50% said it was a mix of worse or the same. Some students say that student experiences have gotten worse because of social media, or teachers not caring enough. While some say it is better because of the advancement in technology and more interesting classes to take.
Students say most teachers should try to be more understanding and get to know their students more. Even just starting class with one question about a student’s interests can be an effective way to get to know them.
Junior, Joey Bennet stated, “If we were to actually explain it to the teachers who don’t understand our struggles maybe that could help. The teachers who don’t understand need to put themselves in our shoes as we’re explaining to get where we come from.”
When surveyed, 12 teachers agreed that times are different from when in school. There are multiple reasons as to why this is. One that stuck out was better support systems, students have access to online support groups, online tutors, or more understanding teachers.
When teachers are asked to look back on their high school years, the majority respond with positive memories, while some were negative. Sometimes it can be a mix between the two.
Andrew Bellevage, an English teacher stated, “My high school experience was a mixed bag. I was not popular because Ididn’t play sports, but I had a good group of friends and interests that allowed me to have a solid experience.”
Most teachers also did have at least one thing they struggled with in high school, whether it be getting bullied, academics, or just trying to fit in. Teachers and students have an equivalent way with coping with these problems, the biggest way being friends.
Gina Reitter, a science teacher stated, “I talked to my friends and my parents. My friends and I created a study group and we helped each other.”
Teachers can be a good source to go to when you need advice on what to do in school, they have been through it and they’re learning more about current students while teaching.
Megan Huepp, a math teacher stated, “Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There is no shame in needing help! Your teachers want to see you be successful and make the most of your high school career. We are here because we care about you and want to help you learn and be the best version of yourself. Even if we can’t help you directly, there are so many resources that we can point to towards to get the help you need.”