Bridging the Generation Gap

Katelyn Berdine, Staff Writer

Generations after generation, the divide gets bigger. Each of them grows farther and farther apart from the way they act to the way they dress.
Generational divides or generational gaps are the differences in each age group’s opinions and values. These differences can pit the generations against each other and causes what some call the Generation War.

The older and younger generation will have their differences in belief and values. Think about the clothes each generation wears compared to the clothes someone else wears that is in a different generation. Even the music and the way the generations might speak.
The term generation gap was used in the 1960s and played a big part in the business marketing world. The market uses as a way to see how to market to each generation, but they try to do that without using stereotypes of the generations.

The term was used as a way to describe when baby boomers were breaking off from the older generation, silent generation or traditionalists, and started having their own beliefs and opinions.

Not only is it the divide that brings differences between the generations, but stereotypes. Boomers don’t understand new technology, are selfish, and stubborn. Gen X are rude customers, overshare on Facebook, and have a feeling to share their opinion. Millennials are narcissistic, lazy, and indecisive. Gen Z are addicted to technology and called lazy for it, sensitive, and would rather not have face to face contact.

These stereotypes hurt each generation to an extent and some of the stereotypes aren’t true for everyone in the generation.

Though the battle between each generation doesn’t just happen in public. It goes out into social media like TikTok and Twitter. This could be how each generation acts with one another or what the generation post on social media.

This controversy can’t be ignored by others because it is everywhere. Including in families and in the workplace.

All the generations see the world differently and grew up in different times with different circumstances that were going on in their time period with each age group having their individual culture. Despite these differences, society needs the generations to get along.


Ways to Bridge the Generation Gap

1. Show interest and learn about other generations – their history, interests, values, trends, etc.
2. Avoid stereotyping & insulting.
3. Be open-minded.
4. Spend time together.
5. Have conversations.
6. Listen with curiosity, not judgement.
7. Find similar interests.
8. Establish common ground.
9. Treat each other with dignity and respect as humans.
10. Practice empathy & patience.