Participation at our first pep rally of the year was dreadful. Pep Club spent a lot of time planning the event, and the band and cheerleaders did all they could to get the crowd going and get students excited for the school year and fall sports, but students gave nothing in return. This is just one example of Weir High’s lack of school spirit. If we want our school to be fun and have a sense of community, we have to help by participating.
To illustrate this problem, WSM conducted a schoolwide survey for this first issue of the newsmagazine, and out of 600 students at Weir, only 33 responded. Just by checking your email you can take part and understand what is going on in our school, but there are many more ways to show your rider pride.
Weir provides clubs, athletics, spirit weeks, school dances and more.
Participating in themes and pep rallies are two EXTREMELY easy ways. Throughout the school year we have spirit weeks for homecoming, important games, and holidays. Also, football and basketball games have themes for the student section. You are supposed to be creative and have fun with this event.
When everyone does the theme, people feel more confident and comfortable in what they chose to wear. This activity really brings everyone together and allows people to express themselves! For pep rallies, each grade has a section where they are supposed to sit. This is important for when Mr. Arneault tries to do crowd cheers! Our last pep rally showed we did not understand what we had to do. When a team is announced or preforms, it is important to show proper etiquette and cheer for your classmates, it takes a lot of courage for some people to stand in front of everyone.
At all pep rallies, the band will play multiple pieces, you can show your spirit by clapping to the beat or doing the dances. Pep club and FBLA run most of these events, taking time to organize and decorate for them. Being apart of these clubs will give you the access to try and make a change.
Drama club, GAA, Thread Riders, and WSM, are some other club options. Showing up to competitions and events is just as important as being in them. For athletes, we have soccer, cross coun

try, swimming and more. Being a part of a club or sport is found to help you develop better socially and mentally. It also shows you the value of teamwork, communication, and commitment. Learning these skills in high school will prepare you better for your future.
In our survey some students said they wanted “more fun and entertaining events”, but then other students are more worried about taking part in the things we have already. I talked to a few students in person, and many expressed that they think it is embarrassing to participate at pep rally’s and in themes, but it’s not. We need to realize that these problems are the results of our own actions.
In the end, our school can only reach its peak if we help, too. Participating in such events is proven to help you achieve your academic goals as well.
This issue’s cover image, taken by Elli Cowden at a football game last school year, is the perfect example of what school spirit should look like. The next time you have the chance, deck yourself out in all your red and black and show your Rider Pride!
Your time at Weir High is supposed to be fun but also beneficial to yourself and others. You should want to make an impact on the people around you. Make the change today to better your high school experience!